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Water may be necessary for human life, but it causes more problems than if fixes when it comes to concrete floors.   From coatings that won't adhere to tiles that won't stay down, we have solutions to ensure that your floor finish remains secure to your concrete.

THE PROJECT - Retail Liquor store - Fairhaven, MA


A retail liquor store had a moisture problem in the concrete slab which caused the existing VCT tiles to lift. Unacceptably elevated moisture levels were indicated from the results of our WAGNER RAPID RH moisture tests.

Vinyl Composition Tile Removal with Ride-On Scraper
Concrete Sealed with ARDEX Moisture Mitigation System
Epoxy Floor with Random Vinyl Flake Pattern Broadcast
Planetary Grinder & Shotblaster Removing Mastic & Contaminations


The existing VCT was removed by means of our ride-on scraper. The surface was then ground to remove the residual mastic. The floor was then shotblasted to a CSP-3 finish and coated with an ARDEX moisture mitigation system. The floor was then epoxy coated with a random vinyl flake pattern broadcast.

Epoxy Liquor Store Floor Post-Mitigation
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